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Touch her heart by sending her the Lavender Rose Bouquet by FTD. This bouquet comprises of gorgeous lavender roses paired with beautiful seeded eucalyptus. The stylish vase of this bouquet makes it a perfect gift for a lady. The size of this bouquet may vary and it can be sent with a personalized message. We offer same day delivery to anywhere within the greater Toronto area and we also deliver worldwide.
416-Flowers makes sure to deliver exactly what you order. Occasionally some flowers may not be in season or may not be available. If this is the case, we will substitute with a similar flower of equal or greater value. We will maintain the integrity of the colour scheme, and do our best to preserve the look and feel of the arrangement that was originally ordered. If a container, balloon, teddy bear, etc. is not available, we will substitute with a similar item of equal or greater value. We ensure great care and attention is given in the preparation of all of our orders.
Gift Wrapping
Baby's Breath
Designer Choice Filler
Ruscus Greenery
Assorted Greenery
3 Diamond Pins on Flowers
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